The snow is here! The City of Calgary has a system in place to deal with snowfall in our city, it's called the Snow and Ice Control (SNIC) program. The City actually has road crews available around the clock during the winter months, to try and respond to snowfalls in a timely manner.

Calgary public roadways are maintained during the winter in various ways:

Anti-icing before a snowfall
When a snowfall is predicted for our city, an anti-icing solution (calcium chloride) is applied to designated roads. The solution helps to prevent snow from accumulating on roadways, and is also eco-friendly!

Sanding, salting and plowing
Roadways and sidewalks in Calgary are sanded, salted and plowed based on a priority system:
Priority one: major roadways (20,000…

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With colder weather the past week and more on the way, we're giving our fireplaces more attention, but it's important to give your fireplace some maintenance and care so it can continue working properly.

An article on the Global News Calgary website gives some helpful information on fireplace maintenance:

Just like a furnace, gas fireplaces draw in air from outside and can get dirty or plugged up, releasing dangerous carbon monoxide

“The seal that goes around this glass door is your only defense between you and the carbon monoxide that thing produces, and a lot of people have fireplaces running on thermostats where they don’t even know these things are kicking on and off automatically, and they’re filling their basements full of CO,”…

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We were hit with our first big snow dump of the season this week, just a reminder winter is coming. The City of Calgary has a system in place to deal with snowfall in our city, it's called the Snow and Ice Control (SNIC) program. The City actually has road crews available around the clock during the winter months, to try and respond to snowfalls in a timely manner.

Calgary public roadways are maintained during the winter in various ways:

Anti-icing before a snowfall
When a snowfall is predicted for our city, an anti-icing solution (calcium chloride) is applied to designated roads. The solution helps to prevent snow from accumulating on roadways, and is also eco-friendly!

Sanding, salting and plowing
Roadways and sidewalks in Calgary are sanded,…

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