The temperatures in Calgary are (slowly) dropping, and Fall is the time to really take on your fireplace maintenance, so that you're ready for the winter weather when it arrives. Regular maintenance on your fireplace each year will ensure it's always working properly, and save you money from future repairs.

Wood Burning

  • Clean the chimney, creosote and ash can be fire hazards when you go to light it.
  • Replace any broken or deteriorated lining. 

Gas Burning

  • Have the appliance serviced by a qualified technician, this will prevent permanent damages from occurring so it's worth the cost. 
  • The airways of both the pilot and main burners should be regularly cleaned.
“The seal that goes around this glass door is your only defense…

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Colder temperatures can mean big changes for your home, so this time of year is perfect to tackle some of those home maintenance chores early. We came across a great checklist in Better Homes and Gardens recently, and there were some great tips in there like this one: 

Your roof's drainage system annually diverts thousands of gallons of water from your house's exterior and foundation walls. That's why it is so important to keep this system flowing smoothly. Clogged gutters can lead to damaged exterior surfaces and to water in your basement. They are also more prone to rust and corrosion. Before the leaves fly this fall, have your gutters cleaned, then covered with mesh guards to keep debris from returning.

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