Earlier this week, Royal LePage released their 2017 Canadian Recreational Housing Report, which outlines current statistics and trends in regards to the investment and recreational property market for this year. Among the most notable, was that Alberta recreation properties are recovering in sales, thanks the the continuously improving economy.

“Market conditions are favourable to buyers in the province’s recreational property segment, with prices having declined or remained flat for the last couple years during the economic slowdown,” said John Hripko, sales representative, Royal LePage Benchmark. “Buyers are currently recognizing that they’re in the midst of a very opportune time, cashing in on depressed property values while they…

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Every year (since 2013), our city marks the anniversary of the flood with community gatherings, block parties and family events to celebrate the neighbourly spirit in Calgary. 

If you're looking to take part in Calgary Neighbour Day, happening this Saturday, June 17th, here's what's happening in northwest Calgary:

  • Beddington: open to Beddington residents, take part in a barbecue at the park on Berwick Road and Berwick Drive NW from 12 to 2pm. More information online. 
  • Highland Park: the Highland Park Community Association is putting this free pancake breakfast on, which will include games and entertainment as well. Join at 3716 - 2 Street NW from 9am to 12pm. 
  • Highwood: this unique event is actually a plant exchange, where you can bring…

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Thinking of making the move to homeownership? Great! First there are some questions you should ask yourself to properly prepare for the exciting process ahead of you.

  • Are you ready to buy? Owning your own home is about more than just being able to decorate any way you like; it's about being prepared to maintain your home over the years, realizing that part of your income and time will go towards repairs and maintenance. It's about being willing to take the risks of home ownership with a realistic expectation of the rewards.
  • How much can you afford? It can be discouraging to find that your salary won't stretch as far as the home you want to own. However, sacrificing a huge part of your income just to pay the mortgage can very quickly make home…

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