Everyone knows that buying or selling a house is a big deal. It is most likely the most expensive purchase you will ever make, so you want to make sure it’s done right. Whether it is a condo, a townhouse or a single-family home, there are always hoops to jump through and tricks of the trade that will help make the process easier. This is where a REALTOR comes in. This professional knows the market well, understands the process of buying/selling and knows how to do it efficiently. Here are some of the top reasons you should use a REALTOR® to assist you in buying or selling a home.

Excess of Resources

A real estate agent is generally associated with a large realty company with countless resources and other professionals able to provide you with…

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Urban sprawl is a term used to describe cities that decide to plan outwards instead of upwards, much like Calgary. When you live in the middle of the prairies with what seems to be endless land to build on, our city just continues to grow. Around 50 years ago, the community of Edgemont was near the ‘edge’ of the city, wrapping around the northwest side of Nose Hill Park in Calgary’s northwest quadrant. However, as Calgary continued to expand, Edgemont quickly became surrounded by other neighbourhoods and developed its very own community culture.  

Despite being located away from the highly populated city centre, the area of Edgemont is actually Calgary’s largest neighbourhood. According to the City of Calgary, there were over 16,000 people living…

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Whether you own a home or you are looking to buy, the kitchen is the lifeblood of the house. Not only do we cook, prepare food and eat in our kitchens, but we also spend quality time in them. Ever notice where the group congregates at a party or where people go first when they enter the house? Where else would you make your kids pancakes shaped like the first letter of their name or carve pumpkins at Halloween? The kitchen is the central place in a home where people meet, interact and enjoy food together. Therefore, when a home is being renovated, a new kitchen holds great potential for future investment.

According to a 2018 Royal LePage survey of 750 real estate experts, a kitchen renovation has the potential to boost a property’s value by more…

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Backyard BBQCalgary, summer is finally heating up in Calgary and we sure hope it’s here to stay! With the temperatures in the high 20s, it’s time to stock up on hot dogs, fruity popsicles and cases of beer for those hot days and late nights around the fire. July is shaping up to be the ideal backyard party month so here’s how to do it right. 

Music = Must

Nothing can bring a party down like a bad playlist. Find some music that keeps people attentive and moving, with a few tracks worth reminiscing and singing along to throughout the night. Not a huge music geek? That’s what the Internet is for. Sites like Spotify, Apple Music and 8tracks all host music online and create playlists with themes just for this occasion. Happy summer beats, chill hits or hot country…

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