About 202A Canal Court
1920 sqft bay, with 900 ft mezzanine, sump and drive-in door 16' x 16' ft. overhead door at back. Overhead Shop heater, 2 bathrooms and studio/storage/office space. HVAC provides heat and air conditioning to the entire building. Parking available front and back. Monthly condo fee: $200 a month. Warehouse condo located in an industrial park, 30 minutes to Calgary and 20 minutes to Chestermere. The business and business assets are not included in this price as they are owned by a separate entity. They can be purchased from the owner as a package on two offers. Zoned M1 – Light Industrial District (uses that are carried on in buildings, onsite, with limited outside storage and retail sales. See photos for Permitted and Discretionary uses). Refer to full Town of Strathmore land use bylaw for more information.