Homes for Sale KELVIN GROVE

Kelvin Grove Real Estate Calgary

Built out in the 1960's, Kelvin Grove homes consists mainly of single-family homes, with a sprinkling of townhomes and condos throughout the community. Located in South Calgary, Kelvin Grove is situated in between 14 Street SW and Elbow Drive, close to the Rocky View Hospital. To discover more about Kelvin Grove Real Estate in Calgary, see below.

Kelvin Grove Real Estate Stats

Average Price $440K
Lowest Price $270K
Highest Price $900K
Total Listings 4
Avg. Days On Market 12
Avg. Price/SQFT $428

Property Sub Types (active listings)


Kelvin Grove Homes For Sale in Calgary

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More about Kelvin Grove Homes for Sale

2024 Kelvin Grove Home Sales

There were 15 single family homes sold in Kelvin Grove in 2024 for an average price of $1,684,104. Average Days on Market (DOM) for homes in Kelvin Grove was 26 days. There were 17 townhomes and condos sold in Kelvin Grove for an average price of $304,765 and they took an average of 27 days to sell. 

Kelvin Grove Schools

School Information :

Kelvin Grove Demographics

Kelvin Grove is an older Calgary community with just under 2,400 residents. Like to know more about potential neighbours in Kelvin Grove? For a breakdown of social statistics in Kelvin Grove, including such details as income, age, marital status and population diversity please click the link below.

View Kelvin Grove Community Profile

Kelvin Grove Crime Statistics

Kelvin Grove is a relatively safe community with the majority of crimes focusing on vandalism and vehicle-related thefts. For a more detailed analysis please visit the City of Calgary Crime Map.

Kelvin Grove Real Estate Agents

Looking to buy or sell a home in Kelvin Grove Calgary? As neighbourhood Kelvin Grove REALTORS® with over 35 years experience selling Calgary Real Estate, Kirby Cox & Associates can confidently guide you through the sale and purchase of your Kelvin Grove home. Looking for a Kelvin Grove Condo or Townhome? Contact us today for a list of all Kelvin Grove Houses for Sale in Calgary.

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We have over 35 Years Experience specializing in Calgary Homes for Sale as well as Real Estate in Towns around Calgary. Contact our experienced, seasoned professionals today for a free consultation or call 403-247-5555.

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