Yay!!!! You’ve finally found the home of your dreams. Right?
Before you commit to buying, be sure to consider whether some of your favorite features might be a detriment when it comes time to sell. Some design and architectural elements—such as swimming pools and tile floors—divide home buyers evenly, with half considering them a no-go and the other half absolutely loving them.
While these amenities won’t necessarily be the main factors determining whether or not you buy the home, it’s best to know exactly what you’re getting into. Here’s what to watch out for when buying your dream home, both on the upside and the potential downside.
1. A swimming pool
Living in Alberta where it often feels like Winter for 8 months of the year, don’t expect a swimming pool to add much to the value of your home. The year-round maintenance required, does not offset the two months you actually get to enjoy the pool.
Bottom line? If you want a pool, wonderful, but don’t expect it to increase your home's value when it comes time to sell. The only benefit to having a swimming pool would be the joy it brings family and friends.
2. Over-the-top renos
So, you love the chef’s designer kitchen - and who wouldn’t want a subzero fridge?
But if the other homes in your neighbourhood don’t offer features such as marble countertops or elaborate crown mouldings throughout, then those luxury items might be overkill when it comes time to put your home on the market. If these features are really top drawer, you also run the risk of pricing yourself out of the market. And while potential purchasers may offer up a bit more for these elements, it would be a small percentage of the actual cost.
3. Tile flooring
You love shiny patterned tile floors, fantastic. However, future potential buyers of your home may not be so keen. Because tiles are one of the most difficult flooring types to remove they can easily turn off prospective buyers. Often what owners choose just isn’t very attractive, think basic grey, dated tile – yuck! Especially in cold climates like Calgary & Edmonton.
Not that you should go in and remove existing tile, especially if you like it, just know that not everyone will have your sentiment. A better bet is the always popular engineered hardwood.
4. A school next door
If you have young kids, living next door to their school might seem like a dream come true. Who wouldn’t love walking their children a few blocks down the street to school every day?
But buyers who have moved on from that stage of life may not agree. Buyers over 50 are not so keen with traffic and kids roaming through their streets. Schools bring endless lines of cars and yellow buses—as well as a moderated speed limit that might make getting to and from work each day a complete pain. Not to mentioned the joyful shrieks coming from playground!
Whether you’re looking to be near, or far, from a school, ask your REALTOR® about what is in the community.
5. Busy streets nearby
Some people love to look out their windows and watch the world go by: restaurants and bars within walking distance, your favorite boutique just four doors down, and easy access to major roadways.
But think again before buying. Unless you’re located in a coveted inner-city area, it might be challenging to sell the home. Homes located on busy streets are worth less then homes further in communities.
So while you are intrigued by the vibrance of a walkable neighbourhood in Cagary, potential purchasers may not be. Just make sure you understand the consequences, so you are surprised when you go to make your move 15-15 years down the road.
Posted by Kirby Cox on
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