Green cart composting bins will start being collected by the City from about 100,000 homes in the northwest next week. After successful rollouts with the blue bins (recycling), the City of Calgary is now completing the launch of the green composting bins in our city. 

Green carts are the same size as the blue and black bins, but will be used for all food and yard waste including meat, bones, plate scrapings, tree branches and pet waste. Starting on August 14th, green and blue carts in northwest Calgary will be picked up weekly, with black carts being picked up once every two weeks. 

“One of the biggest adjustments for residents is going from one to two collection days a week,” spokesperson Philippa Wagner said in a news release. “But we have tools to help them out.” Free collection day reminders are available through the Calgary Garbage Day app, or by text, email, phone call or downloadable calendars. [Global Calgary]

By typing your address into this online tool, you can find out exactly what your pickup date and day will be. A tip from the City, is to always fill your green cart first, this cuts down on waste. 

Here's a complete list of everything that can go into your green cart: 

  • Plate scrapings
  • Meat, fish, poultry, shellfish
  • Bones
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Bread, pasta, noodles, rice, beans, couscous, grains, crackers, cereal
  • Eggs, eggshells and dairy (cheese, sour cream, etc.)
  • Cooking oil, lard, shortening, butter, sauces, grease, dips, salad dressing, mayo and gravy
  • Pastries, cookies, cakes and muffins
  • Nuts, seeds, pits, chips, popcorn and candy
  • Food soiled paper plates
  • Coffee grounds, coffee filters and tea bags
  • Food soiled paper towels and napkins
  • Leaves and pinecones
  • Plants and flowers
  • Branches, twigs and prunings
  • Grass clippings and sod
  • Weeds
  • Garden soil, sand and untreated mulch
  • Christmas tree (cut down into smaller pieces)
  • Hay
  • Dog waste and kitty litter
  • Animal bedding
  • Pet fur, hair or feathers
  • Pet food and treats
  • Cold bbq or fire pit ashes
  • Untreated lumber
  • Wood shavings and sawdust
  • Wooden popsicle sticks, chopsticks and toothpicks

For more information on the composting home program, visit the City of Calgary online (link above). 

Posted by Kirby Cox on
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