Monday, September 5th is the International Day of Charity, and in the spirit of charity, we thought we'd share a bit about the non-profits and charities we support.
Royal LePage Shelter Foundation
The Royal LePage Shelter Foundation is Canada’s largest public foundation dedicated exclusively to funding women’s shelters and violence prevention programs. Since 1998, the Shelter Foundation has raised more than $22 million and currently supports 200 local women’s shelters and national partners. More information.
Calgary Food Bank
Every year in the fall, Kirby hosts "The Great Pumpkin Giveaway" in which over 1000 pumpkins are purchased and given free to the public in return for a donation to the Calgary Food Bank. Established in 1982, the Calgary Food Bank is a charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to gathering and distributing quality emergency food to those in need. More information.
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
They strive for a breast cancer-free future, by funding research, support and education programs for breast cancer. More information.
Nephcure Kidney International
This is the only organization committed exclusively to support research seeking the cause of the potentially debilitating kidney disease Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and Nephrotic Syndrome. More information.
The War Amps
A philosophy of “amputees helping amputees” has been the hallmark of The War Amps since 1918. The organization provides support, self-care and assistance. More information.
Calgary Humane Society
At Calgary Humane Society, they understand that the only way we can create a future with no more homeless, abused or neglected animals is to create a more compassionate future. More information.
On a community level, Kirby and his team contribute to numerous other charities including local community associations, schools, junior hockey. Contributions are made in the form of cash & prizes to help raise funds for the various groups and provide exciting prizes for a variety of events held throughout the year.
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