Should you buy a brand new home that you can customize, or choose a resale one that's move-in ready? Both options present advantages, and there is no right answer, it's totally up to the buyer.

Not sure if you should buy a new build or a resale home? The decision isn’t always simple or obvious. That’s because it’s more than a dollars-and-cents debate, it’s a choice between lifestyles. Some people love the clean lines of a modern space while others fall in love with architectural embellishments of older homes. To help you decides answer these six simple questions. [Money Sense]

We've outlined a couple benefits of each:

Buying New

  • Personalized home: with new homes you can choose the colours, fixtures and upgrades such as lighting and flooring
  • New homes are built up to current building codes and standards
  • Lower maintenance costs: newer homes tend to have lower maintenance costs as all of the materials are brand new
  • Builder warranties: the majority of home builders offer warranties for new homes

Buying Resale

  • Easy access: homes in established neighbourhoods are in close proximity to services, parks, schools, etc
  • Home extras: resale homes can offer extras such as upgraded landscaping and finished basements
  • Renovations/upgrades: a lot of resale homes have been upgraded or renovated with great features that increase home value

If you're interested in either new or resale homes in Calgary, Kirby Cox & Associates works with several reputable home builders in Calgary. We also have a great inventory of resale homes for sale in great communities. Whatever you're looking for, please feel free to contact us, or find us on Twitter.

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