If you're unfamiliar with the Edgemont Beautification Project, it's a community initiative focused on improving appearance via landscaping, plantings and maintenance throughout Edgemont. 

These upgraded maintenance programs make a significant difference in communities.  Hamptons, Citadel and most recently Hawkwood, all have them in place and they have really made a big difference in those communities.  Possible improvements listed on the petition website are as follows:

  • Raised planting beds
  • Cement pots
  • Mowing
  • Watering
  • Flowers
  • Fertilizer
  • Shrubs/grasses
  • Trees
  • Litter control
  • Weed management

There are now more than 100 volunteer committee members and canvassers actively working together on the project, and the support continues to grow. Legislation requires that 67% of Edgemont homeowners sign a petition to put in place the LEAF program.  Over 3200 homeowners have already signed the petition in support, which is 90% of our goal. We must obtain 3600 signatures for LEAF to be approved.  Other supporters include the Edgemont Community Association, councilor Sean Chu, and a variety of local businesses.

>To find out more about this initiative or to sign the petition online, check their website here

Posted by Kirby Cox on
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Remember opposers to this LEAF Program may one day sell their houses. We don't need flowers to add value to our properties in a tax levy imposed indefinitely on homeowners. We already pay taxes for the City to do its job. A group is already appealing this Special Tax Levy (big money grab) and anyone wanting their names removed from LEAF petition should contact Stephen Webster at 403- 455-8018 or weaver@shaw.ca Thank you. Dolores Henkelman - dolores@henkelman.ca

Posted by Dolores Henkelman on Thursday, November 12th, 2015 at 11:43am

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